Learning Needs Program

Learning Consultants Least Restrictive Environment* Supports within the Classroom Setting*

Our educational goal is for each student to successfully participate in his or her Least Restrictive Educational Environment. The least restrictive environment is the educational setting that is the most conducive and least “limiting” for an individual student. The least restrictive environment allows a student to use his/her academic and social- emotional strengths in order to increase personal independence and experience academic progress. It is the setting in which a student is capable of accessing the curriculum - either independently or with support and accommodations.

In many cases, the least restrictive environment for a student is the classroom setting. If more support is needed due to an identified condition that impacts a student’s learning, then individualized adjustments and interventions may be implemented within the classroom setting. These interventions and adjustments will be included within an In- House Educational Support Plan developed by the learning consultant and the classroom teachers.

The In-House Educational Support plan is based on a student’s IEP, ISP, 504 Plan or medical report (along with observations by the classroom teachers and learning consultant). Students may have academic, medical, or social/emotional/behavioral conditions that interfere with their ability to learn or to demonstrate what they truly understand. Students may be diagnosed with specific learning disabilities, ADHD, ADHD-Inattentive Type (ADD), generalized anxiety disorder, depression, behavioral disorders or other medical issues. The learning consultant and teachers will work to support each student within the classroom setting. Additional support will be provided based upon the degree and extent to which a student’s diagnosed condition is impacting learning.

Some students with educational and/or medical diagnoses may benefit from taking standardized tests, subject area tests, and quizzes in an alternate small group setting. This intervention is to be based upon specific recommendations within a student’s IEP, ISP, 504 Plan, or medical/psychological report. Not all students who have a diagnosed learning condition or medical condition will demonstrate the need to take tests in an alternate setting. An alternate setting may not be the least restrictive testing environment for some students who have special learning needs. The learning consultant will refer to a student’s IEP, ISP, 504 Plan or medical report to see if an “alternate setting for testing” has been recommended.

School Therapy Dog

  • Assumption has a therapy dog named Crusader. He visits generally one 30 time per week, periodically visits classrooms, but most often is in the Counselor’s office.
  • Therapy dogs have been active in schools for some time. Teachers and administrators have witnessed the effects therapy dogs have on students and themselves. The benefits of having therapy dogs in the classroom/ at school include:
  • Physical benefits. Interaction with therapy dogs has been shown to reduce blood pressure, provide physical stimulation and assist with pain management.
  • Social benefits. A visiting therapy dog promotes greater self esteem and focused interaction with other students and teachers.
  • Cognitive benefits. It has been empirically proven that therapy dogs stimulate memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Emotional and mental health benefits. A therapy dog can lift moods in the classroom, often provoking laughter.