Emergency Plan


1. Does the school have a Team Assigned Specifically to Student Safety? If so, who is
on this team?

Assumption does have a School Safety team, which includes teachers, our school nurse,
principal, maintenance men, Deacons and the local police and fire
departments. We also deal directly with the Archdiocese of St. Louis in any emergency

2. Does the school have a current safety policy? It is not on the school website.

a) We do have a complete Safety Binder which includes procedures and expectations
for each emergency. The full faculty and staff reviews this annually. This is located in
the school office. We do not post this information, as there is sensitive material that is
best not seen by others.

b) In addition, our faculty and staff are trained each year in every area of safety (This
includes substitute teachers.) In alternate years August (2023), again, the full faculty
and staff will be trained by the head of Safety and Operations through the
Archdiocese in Intruder/ Lock Down, Fire, Earthquake and Tornado drills.

c) Each year, faculty are trained and certificated in Youth Mental Health Awareness
and Safety. This program trained us to be aware of behaviors that can signal issues for
a student (suicide) or within a school (safety).

d) Twice per year, we have 6 faculty/staff members trained in CPR/AED. We also
have secretaries, the principal and nurses trained in medications and first aid. (This
training cycles through 2 x per year, so we have as many adults trained as possible.)

e) All faculty/staff handbooks include the directions and maps for exit routes and
safety, and also the lesson plans for each emergency - along with videos created by
the Diocese of St. Louis. The videos are made available to parents prior to student

f) Each classroom has maps posted with exit routes for each emergency. At the
beginning of each year, faculty pint out the maps and explain their purpose. Each
classroom has a “Safety Bucket” which is taken on each drill and includes first aid
items, rosters of students names, medical info, and parent names and numbers.

g) On the first half day in August, all students are trained in each emergency
category: Intruder, Lock Down, Fire, Tornado and Earthquake. Students watch
movies prepared by the Archdiocese, are introduced to our emergency plans by
teachers, then have an active practice for each emergency. The lesson plans are
approved through the Diocese then, annually, the Assumption Safety Committee
revises our local materials.

h) Fire Drills occur every month and in September the Fire Department comes to
observe and review, and make suggestions for our process.

i) Tornado and Earthquake drills occur 2 times per year. Again, students view videos
for each emergency, review lesson plans, and practice.

j) Intruder Drill / LockDown Drills are scheduled 2X per year and the police are here
to observe and review our process each time. Again, videos developed by the Diocese
are watched, lesson plans approved by the diocese are reviewed and lastly, all are
involved in the actual drill.

k) Annually, we contact the local public school district to ensure use of their buses in
the event of an emergency.

3. Does our school have a threat assessment protocol? As well as a protocol to enhance
security/ prevent (Mass shooting contagion) "copycat" events after news of school
shootings have been announced on news media platforms?

a) Our protocol for assessment of situations comes either through a call from the
police (if the issue is within the area) and internally, we use a means of
communication including classroom telephones (each room), PA system throughout
the school (but can also be used area by area, if needed), and walkie-talkies; each
teacher also has cell phones to contact administration and teachers.

b) We follow the Archdiocesan Emergency /Safety and Operations Manual. This is
reviewed annually by the Diocese, and then prepared by our local Safety Committee
for revision of our local handbooks/plans/procedures as needed.

c) Our platform for distribution of information to parents is Teacher Ease, which
includes texts and phone calling (auto dialing). We do use this system for other
purposes as well, such as snow days. Of course, the police and fire departments are
contacted immediately, when circumstances arise.

d) All emergencies are also reported directly to the director of Safety Operations at
the Diocese of St. Louis (after police/fire). The fire department is automatically
contacted when a fire alarm goes off (regardless of the reality of the fire).

4. What are the building’s safety measures in place?

a) Each door is locked at 8AM and checked. Recently, the Business manager had all
doors checked/repaired for immediate lock upon entry – this included assurance that
no door sticks or remains open after entry. We are investigating a safety film for
entrances and lower level windows, which, when shot at, will not shatter, delaying
entry to the building (May, 2023). Our plan is to install 3M film in 23-24.

b) All main building lobby and hallway glass panels have been coated with
“darkening film”, so that outsiders have difficulty seeing into the building.

c) At lunch, any family wishing to eat with their child must call the office, enter the
office at the appropriate time, are given a visitor pass, and walk with the class to the
café for entry. No one is given a key and we do not leave the café doors open.

d) Cameras have been installed: 1 in the office area and 2 outside cameras installed around the campus.
e) Each classroom’s doors lock and the windows have either blinds or curtains. Each
classroom has a safety bucket, with first aid supplies, student rosters, allergy
information, and parent information, which are taken with the teacher at each
practice. In addition, we have acquired door sleeves to keep doors closed, even if the
lock is broken. The door sleeves are provided through the local Fire department.

f) For each type of emergency, a map of where students are to go (for each area
within our buildings) is posted in each classroom and in the faculty/staff handbooks.
All classroom doors are locked and there is a covering for each window (blinds or

g) 20 new cameras have been installed which will be placed within the school, at each
door, and throughout campus. The secretaries will have a screen showing live footage
of each door entrance and hallway in both buildings. This footage is recorded daily.

h) For safety, our school entrance is a vestibule, where any visitor enters but has no
access to the school building. All visitors are given a visitor pass upon entry.

i) Students are taught NOT to open doors for anyone, even teachers.