School Nurse


Annual Student Health Information Form

Missouri Immunization Requirements: All immunization records must be up-to-date and returned by the first day of school or the child will not be allowed to attend school. State regulations govern immunization and health record requirements. Physical examination must be administered to all students entering Kindergarten, 3rd and 6th grades and those students new to Assumption in any grade. If the physical is scheduled for after the start of the school year, we must have the scheduled date of the physical. 
Religious and medical exemptions are allowed. The appropriate exemption card must be on file. Unimmunized children are subject to exclusion from school when outbreaks of vaccine preventable diseases occur.


Under the Missouri Health Law, a student is not permitted to have in his/her possession any medication/drug or to take such. By the Missouri Law, the school is NOT ALLOWED to administer medication such as aspirin, etc., to the children unless the parent sends the
medication and directions to the school office. There is a medical form available in the office to be filled out and signed by the parent and physician. If medication absolutely “must” be given during school time, send only the correct dosage for ONE DAY, marked
with the child’s name, dosage, time, and parent’s signature. Medications sent in plastic bags will NOT be distributed. Medications should be brought to school in a container appropriately labeled by the pharmacy or physician. Medications to be taken three times daily should be administered before school, after school, and before bedtime. They should NOT be sent to school for a mid-day dosage. Do not send cough medicine. If medication is found in the possession of the student, the medication will be taken away and the school will notify the parents.


Guidelines for Sending an ill Child Home

  • Pre-K – 8: Diarrhea, sleepiness, and abdominal cramping.

  • Pre-K – 8: Fever (>100.4) or 1-2 degrees above the child’s normal temperature

  • And/or appearing ill. (A child needs to be fever free, diarrhea free, vomiting free for a minimum of 24 hours before returning without the aid of Tylenol®, or any other fever reducing substance.)

    • If leaving school, parents will sign a “24- hour return” form.


Every student must have emergency contact information updated in Teacher-Ease. Please take the time to review and update as needed.

Minor Injuries

For minor injuries, such as cuts and abrasions that occur on the grounds, the school nurse or staff will assess the injury and utilize first aid supplies to care for the child. 

Serious Injuries

If the injuries are serious, the parent or emergency contact will be contacted immediately. If the parent or emergency contact cannot be reached, St. Charles County Ambulance district will be notified via 911.

If the injuries are life threatening, an ambulance will be summoned via 911 immediately. The parents will then be contacted. Serious injury is defined as loss of consciousness, seizure, severe bleeding, difficulty breathing, choking, broken arm or leg, or disorientation
to surroundings (time, place, and people).