Assumption Elementary School

Pumpkin carvingWe offer a mapped curriculum that infuses National Catholic Standards and Missouri Learning Standards. This authentic Catholic education provides robust QUALITY, and a vibrant focus on VALUES. It is education with a HIGHER PURPOSE.

Our Catholic values are promoted in every aspect of our worship and prayer, our curriculum, our service. Assumption students nurture their spiritual development by Learning, Loving & Living Christ!

Learning and Curriculum

Assumption School offers a rigorous, diverse curriculum with an emphasis on science technology, engineering, and mathematics. The well-rounded academics are designed to allow every child to reach their academic potential. Programs are available to students who are ready for extra academic challenges or students who need extra assistance with their homework.

Assumption prepares children for today’s and tomorrow’s academic challenges. High school counselors continually say that Assumption graduates are well-prepared for high school. Most Assumption graduates go on to participate in high school honors programs.


All of our faculty members are state certified and have education degrees. Several have Master’s Degrees and all regularly attend professional workshops to bring best practices and instruction to the classroom. All teachers have or are working toward certification in religious education.

Science & Technology

Robotics studentOur teachers use technology correctly — to enhance the classroom experience. Assumption classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards which help students share ideas, think critically and increase their technology literacy. Fifth through eighth grade students have their studies enhanced by the use of Chrome Books wihich allows them to communicate directly with their teachers, collaborate on projects with fellow students, learn the technology and turn in assignments. Our younger students work with iPads. Our first through eighth graders attend science class three times a week in a dedicated science lab. 

Our Facilities

Assumption’s energy efficient facilities are designed to meet the needs of 21st Century students. We expanded our education facilities in 2013 and upgraded the existing buildings. We have age appropriate classrooms for Pre-K through eighth graders.

Christ-Centered Education

Assumption builds a classroom community with respect and dignity for all. When students know each other, they are less likely to hurt one another. An environment of joy and Christ-like love is fostered at Assumption School. We nurture loving communication and spiritual development with morning meetings, team building exercises and everything we do. Christ’s love is truly present in our every gathering!


Assumption students have the opportunity to participate in drama, music, art, Spanish, Character Education, robotics, after school clubs, and more. School assemblies and educational field trips challenge and inspire our students.

Praying HandsLiving our Faith

Assumption School is committed to teaching as Jesus did and living our faith in Jesus Christ through gospel values.

Community Service

Assumption students learn the importance of caring and giving through:

  • Our Annual School-Wide Charity
  • Individual Classroom Service Project
  • Monthly Mission Projects
  • Annual Mission Carnival
  • Eighth Grade Service Projects

Prayer and Studies

Children attend mass twice a week, pray the rosary as a school community, and attend adoration and stations of the cross. Each school day begins and ends with prayer.

Children are prepared for the sacraments in the classroom and through available retreats.


For Registation Information see our Student Registration Page.


For Tuition Information see our Tuition Page.

School Brochure
